
My thoughts and stories

  • Git is so Cool Part-2

    If you have not already, check out the first part of this series, where I talk about adding files to the staging area.

    In this post, I will talk about diff, the command that literally tells us the difference between two sets of files.

    Good ol’ diff

    In the context of git, the --diff option diffs...

  • Git is so Cool Part-1

    Git is awesome. Let’s get that out of the way. I will be sharing some commands and options that you don’t find on most tutorial sites, but is super useful in real world scenarios.

    Stage only patches of a file

    Imagine a scenario where you have made changes to a file and want to add certain changes (say changeset1)...

  • How did I setup this website

    In this post I will tell you the step by step process of setting up a github pages site taking this current site as an example and reference. Here’s the deal, github will let you host a static site on their servers. So, why not make one. To focus on creating content, we will use a static site generator ala...